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  • Writer's pictureHelen English Artist

A new start

Do you have ideas and wonder what you are going to do with them? Are there lots of things that you spend time doing, and they need to find a common theme? Welcome to my world!

I have been making bags and really enjoying them. I get comments from a range of people of those and also the keyrings which I decided would jazz my keys and bags up. People also ask why I don’t paint generic watercolours which could be used in various ways. I am prone to doing my own thing though although I do file such comments away for a rainy day when the usual craziness of life is not seeing me rush from pillar to post. Then, last month an opportunity flung itself at me finally where I had to sit up and pay attention finally.

This week I feel like I am about to reinvent myself and what I am doing just a little bit. A whole new world is about to blossom within my universe. Quite fitting that this should also happen to be my 52nd blog today. Next week will be a brand new year in the life of my brand!

But, enough talking about stuff without an explanation. I have a physical kiosk within a new indoor market in my town. I am very excited as it is a place where I can take my various artistic pursuits and put them together in one place. Just 2.4m squared with enough space for bags, keyrings, watercolour art and cards, with ideas abounding of how I want to extend my ideas.

It’s funny but I did not think that I would be as excited as I wing myself towards the opening. Now, however, I bursting with what I am doing and figuring out how to deliver on the opening day.

Saying yes is quite scary but it also has its rewards. It makes you assess how you can do, it makes you organise yourself and get a lot out of days that you may have taken life a little more gently, and it definitely makes life productive. More from me following the opening!

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